2019ラグビーワールドカップ 神戸会場 第2戦

2019ラグビーワールドカップ 神戸会場 第2戦
🏴スコットランド 対 🇼🇸サモア 戦
君が代 と 越天楽♫
試合前でしたが、約5000人の観客に おもてなし事業として、演奏を行う!
Rugby World Cup 2019 in Kobe
🏴Scotland vs 🇼🇸Samoa
We dedicated the performance of Gagaku ancient court music before the match. ♫
We played the Japanese national anthem ‘Kimigayo’ and the most famous Gagaku music ‘Etenraku’ by 100 Gagaku performers. ♫
I suppose there were 5,000 people in the audience even right after the opening of the stadium.
Thank you for enjoying our performance at the stadium.
Please share if you like or if you watch the performance!
*These pictures are allowed to share by the Rugby World Cup organizing committee.